Bodyweight Static Lunge

Learn how to perform a static lunge correctly with instructions and video guide by SHOCK Fitness Trainer, Ashley Steele!

How to Left Leg Static Lunge

Primary Muscles: Legs,  Glutes

Exercise Families: Lunge

Equipment: Bodyweight

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Stand in a split stance, arms relaxed, shoulders blades pulled back, and spine and head in good posture.

  2. Stagger the feet hip-width, position the left leg in front, right leg behind. Stand on the ball of the back leg by lifting the right heel off the ground.

  3. Push the hips back and down—allow the knees to bend naturally and the trunk to lean forward as you descend towards the floor.

  4. Focus more on lowering the hips towards the floor rather than driving the hips forward. Continue lowering to a comfortable position or until the left thigh becomes parallel with the floor.

  5. Pause briefly in the down-position, drive the feet into the ground, and press the body to the standing position. Repeat the static lunge on the left leg for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  6. You should feel this working the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and outer hip muscles. 

Alternative Exercises:

Dumbbell Static Lunge  Barbell Static Lunge

How to Right Leg Static Lunge

Primary Muscles: Legs,  Glutes

Exercise Families: Lunge

Equipment: Bodyweight

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Stand in a split stance, arms relaxed, shoulders blades pulled back, and spine and head in good posture.

  2. Stagger the feet hip-width, position the right leg in front, left leg behind. Stand on the ball of the back leg by lifting the left heel off the floor.

  3. Push the hips back and down—allow the knees to bend naturally and the trunk to lean forward as the body descends towards the ground.

  4. Focus more on lowering the hips towards the floor rather than driving the hips forward. Continue lowering to a comfortable position or until the right thigh becomes parallel with the floor.

  5. Pause briefly in the down-position, drive the feet into the ground, and press the body to the standing position. Repeat the static lunge on the right leg for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  6. You should feel this working the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and outer hip muscles. 

Alternative Exercises:

Lunge Jump  Walking Lunge

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