Modified Burpee Press

Learn how to perform modified burpee press correctly with instructions and video guide by SHOCK Fitness Trainer, Ashley Steele!

How to Modified Burpee Press

Exercise Families: Cardio

Equipment: BOSU Ball

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Stand in good posture with the feet hip-width apart, holding the sides of a BOSU Trainer firmly with both hands. This is the starting position.

  2. Lower your body to the ground into a deep squat position, place the BOSU ball directly under the shoulders, the dome of the BOSU should be facing down. Punch the legs backward and lower into a push-up position.

  3. Quickly walk the legs forward into a deep squat position and spring in the air. Without delay, press the BOSU directly above the head and extend the arms straight. Lower the BOSU Trainer with control and return to the starting position.

  4. Immediately go into your next repetition and repeat the walkout burpee presses for the specified amount of time or repetitions. Be sure to perform the movement fast, but don't sacrifice technique for speed.

  5. Performing a modified burpee press improves total core strength through an entire range of motion. The movement also improves flexibility and upper body strength, particularly in the shoulders.

  6. You should feel this challenging the arms, core, glutes, and shoulders. 

Alternative Exercises:

Modified Burpee  Cross-Jacks

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