Modified Tricep Push-Up

Learn how to perform a modified tricep push-up with video and instructions by SHOCK App trainer, Ashley Steele.

How to Modified Tricep Push-Up

Primary Muscles: Upper Body,  Triceps

Exercise Families: Push-Up

Equipment: Med Ball

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Start in a modified push-up position with the hands-on a medicine ball, position the knees hip-width on the ground.

  2. Bend the elbows to lower the body toward the floor. Be sure to keep the torso stable and hips square to the ground.

  3. Pause a few inches before the chest touches the med ball, and push yourself up to the starting position. Repeat the movement for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  4. You should feel this working your chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles. 

Alternative Exercises:

Tricep Push-Up  Modified Push-Up

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